Sunday, July 19, 2009

It Couldn't Be Done

Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That " maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: " Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever had done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of grin,
Just take off you coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done", and you'll do it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The beginning of sem iii...


It has been a long time I don't come out with my ideas in this blog..Do I miss to do it??..Errmm... I don't think so.. Hahahaa... Just kidding... Actually, I don't have any ideas what should I share with you guys... But now.. there are a lot of ideas.... But don't worry.. I will not put out in this blog all of them.. Heheheee...

Talk about the start of this new sem... What do you guys think?? Anything going ok?? For me.. so far so good.. but what I felt so up set is about my sponsorship.. PTPTpu... I have to wait for a quired long time to get it.. They (from PTPN) said that there are technical problems happended.. That's why the money transfer cannot be done.. I don't know it is true or not.. But for sure, I hope I will get the money as soon as possible...

Because of the late money transfer, it ruined everything.. They should know that we, students really need the money at early sem... so, they should be prepared for this... This problem should not be happened actually... Did they think that we all are from well family?? Now, I start to get angry.. Maybe I should stop here.. I don't want my words getting worse...
So.. to all my friends.. don't be like me.. Hehee.. Actually we supposed to be patient and pray to our God that we will get the money as soon as possible.. And what the important thing is, we should start our new sem with full of spirits and make a new "azam"....

p/s: if there are something happened to us, even it is a good or bad, please.. don't forget our God.. we should proud to be MUSLIM... do we??

Friday, May 22, 2009

Prinsip vs Matlamat Hidup..

Sering kali kita ditanya..apakah prinsip dan matlamat hidup kita. Dan pelbagai jawapan yang diberi.. Ada juga yang prinsip dan matlamatnya berubah-ubah. Sekejap macam tu..sekejap macam ni.. Ada juga yang xde langsung.. Bahkan mungkin ada sesetangah drpd kita x faham apa itu prinsip dan matlamat hidup.. Apa perlunya semua itu...

Aku juga tidak terkecuali.. Bila ditanya apa prinsip hidup aku.. Jawapan yang aku beri sering berubah.. Begitu juga dengan matlamat hidup.. Kadang2 aku sendiri x faham.. Kenapa semua orang ingin tahu semua itu.. Apa pentingnya semua itu... Walaupun aku x faham.. Tapi sedikit pun xde usaha untuk mengambil tahu semua itu.. Ya Allah.. Betapa jahilnya aku...

Baru2 ni aku disedarkan oleh saudaraku tentang semua itu.. Mereka bertanya apakah prinsip dan matlamat aku.. Sejak bila lagi aku berpegang kpd prinsip dan matlamat itu.. Adakah prinsip dan matlamat itu sama dari dulu dan tidak berubah-ubah.. Dan apakah yang aku faham tentang prinsip dan matlamat itu.. Apakah perkaitan antara dua tu... Ya Allah.. Sesungguhnya aku rasa betul2 diuji semasa itu... Dengan persoalan2 itulah kini aku sedar tentang kepentingan prinsip dan matlamat hidup..

Di sini, aku ingin berkongsi dengan kamu semua. Sesungguhnya kita perlu mempunyai prinsip dalam hidup kita. Kerana dengan prinsip itulah kita dapat mencapai matlamat hidup kita. Dan jangan lah kita bermatlamatkan hidup keduniaan semata-mata.. Tetapi bermatlamatlah untuk mencari keredhaan Allah atas setiap perbuatan kita di dunia ini..

Bagi sesiapa yang belum berprinsip dan bermatlamat.. Inilah masanya untuk kamu setup balik diri kamu.. Fikirkanlah prinsip dan matlamat yang sesuai untuk kamu... Berpegang teguhlah kamu kpd kedua-duanya.. InsyaAllah hidupmu akan diberkati...

Satu perjuangan...

Aku tau semua orang ingin berubah...berubah untuk menjadi lebih baik sejauh mane kah usaha mereka untuk berubah...kadang2...mulut jer berbicara..tetapi hati tidak mengiakn....camne tu?? Bleh ker berubah klu cmtu?? hanya Allah yg mengetahui sumer tu...

Aku harap aku bukan hanya bercakap kosong...aku akan pastikan usaha akn mengiringi kata2 aku itu...dengan azam yg kuat..dengan keinsafan yg memggamit hati...dengan matlamat untuk mendapat keredhaan Allah...dan juga dengan izin Allah...aku akan pastikan..aku akan berubah ke arah yg lebih baik..wlpon mgkin dengan perlahan-lahan..tetapi istiqamah..itu yg penting...

Untuk berubah bukan senang..ianya memerlukan satu semangat juang yg tinggi...semangat juang yg bukan sumer org miliki..camne ngan aku? adakah aku memilikinye??Ya Allah..setinggi mnekah semngat juang hambaMu ni ya Allah?sudah bersediakan aku untuk sumer ni??Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...

Ayuh kawan2ku sumer...marilah kta sama2 berjuang..berjuang untuk menjadi lebih baik..sama2 lah kita bermatlamat hidup untuk mencari keredhaan Allah..bukan bermatlamatkn keduniaan semata-mata...

Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Semuanya Dah Selesai.....

Don't know what should I say...I'm feel so relieve...everything is done...especially my Topo's Plan...I really want thank to my friend..cik Dayah for her spirit and effort in making the plan...

The is a very important thing that we should have to make sure we are not repeating the surveying fieldwork subject next sem. And because of that, we are sometime getting mad to each other and always put the fault on the others members...that also made our relationship become critical...

But now, when it's already done..maybe no more squarell and fight among us..(I wish)..after this..I really hope there are no more deal between us anymore...

Now, I want focus on my study and get struggle for my final exam...I wish and really hope I can do it better and get highest mark and then have a good result... InsyaAllah....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Errmmm....BeStnYe TiDo!!!!

tak sabar nak habis test esok...huhuu...bila dh habis..baru aku rasa lega cikit...bleh aku tido puas2...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Betul2 Memenatkan...

Fuh..!! minggu ni betol2 memenatkan. Mentang2 la minggu ni minggu last kuliah.. semua dok kalut buat tugasan, assignment, project and so on... Awal2 aritu x nk wat... Ni la pelajar zaman skang.. Suka wat keje last minit.. Hhehee... Aku pon sama gak...

Tp yg pasti... Minggu depan bleh relax... Tp jgn smpai x study lak.. Dah name pon minggu study week, so kna lah belajar... Minggu selepas tu dh nk exam dh... Kali ni, jangan nk study last minit lak.. Kang semput cam minggu ni... Huhuuu.... InsyaAllah.... Rabu ni present, harap2 dapat wat yang terbaik... may Allah bless my friends and I always...

Ape yg penting??? Study!!! Study!!! Study!!! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pressure...Bila Final Exam Semakin Hampir...

Tension...tension...tension...tulah yg sering kita dengar setiap kali exam. Lebih2 ag final exam..lagi lah tggi pressurenyer...boleh dikatakan semua org x terlepas dr itu...cume cara penerimaannya shja yg berbeza...jika kuat org itu, maka pressure bkan lg pressure bg dia...jika sebaliknya...maka susah la sesorg itu...

Aku juga tidak terlepas drpd semua tu...setiap hari aku tension..boleh di katakan dengan segala benda aku tension...mgkin ini menunjukkan aku ni seorg yg teruk..tapi itu lah hakikatnye..dh pelbagai cara aku gune tuk hilag kn tekanan tu..ade yg berkesan..ade yg x...x kesah yg penting kite berusaha unt hilgkan tension tu...

tension time nk final tu mungkin perkara biasa, rasenyer setiap org atau student dr mane2 university pun akn berasa tension...salah satunyer ialah kerana mungkin time tu ase nervous la, mungkin byk lg x stdy or memg dh tabiat tension time nk final...hmm..??... time tu la iman kite benar2 diuji...kuat atau tdak...

tp jgn tension2....yg penting relax n fikir satu2...jgn serabutkan fikiran..nant satu pe pun, tarik nafas...cube manage mase tu btl2...buat yg utama dulu walaupun ad byk benda yg lain yg penting gak...

dan yg paling penting...selalulah berdoa kepd ALLAH...DIAlah tmpt pergantungan yg paling bgs...kita tawakal...usaha...n tawakal.....berdoa n berusaha.... CHAIYUK!CHAIYUK!CHAIYUK!...

JGN TENSION2....JUZ RELAX....heheehehehehhhehhe

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It Is Too Hard.....

Nobody is perfect, So am I. I admit that I always doing mistake in my life. But I tried to avoid from doing the same mistake and if possible I don't want to do it anymore. However, sometimes we don't realize what we have done. That's the point.

I know there are some people talks about me at my behind. But that's ok. I will not blame them because it's my fault that give them chances to do that. But one thing that I can't accept, it is the way that someone who try to advice me. It doesn't mean I'm not appreciate that, but please la..there is a better way that she/he can do to advice me. But not like that...sometime we will listen to someone's advice if we look she/he is good enough to do that. Right??

Errgghh... I felt so mad when I think about that. Anyway, I will try to accept the advices and I also will try to be good next time. May ALLAH bless me and you all always...amin.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Aspirasi Mujahidah...

Impian wanita yg benar2 menyintai Islam ialah untuk menjadi wanita solehah
dan muslimat sejati...Termasuk juga diriku..aku juga mengimpikn untuk menjadi seorang wanita yang dipandang mulia di dunia dan diangkat olehNya menjadi bidadari syurga di akhirat kelak..Aku tahu bukan mudah untuk mencapai impian aku itu...Banyak usaha yang perlu aku lakukan..Dan setiap usaha itu harus lah diiringi dengan doa yang berterusan..Alangkah indahnya hidup ini bila diri memiliki iman yang kuat, hati yang bersih, akhlak yang mulia dan semangat mujahidah yang tinggi...Ayuh teman2 seperjuangan ku...marilah kita sama2 bangkit dalam merialisasikan impian kita ini.Jangan jadikan impian ini sebagai angan2 kosong....