Friday, April 10, 2009

Semuanya Dah Selesai.....

Don't know what should I say...I'm feel so relieve...everything is done...especially my Topo's Plan...I really want thank to my friend..cik Dayah for her spirit and effort in making the plan...

The is a very important thing that we should have to make sure we are not repeating the surveying fieldwork subject next sem. And because of that, we are sometime getting mad to each other and always put the fault on the others members...that also made our relationship become critical...

But now, when it's already done..maybe no more squarell and fight among us..(I wish)..after this..I really hope there are no more deal between us anymore...

Now, I want focus on my study and get struggle for my final exam...I wish and really hope I can do it better and get highest mark and then have a good result... InsyaAllah....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Errmmm....BeStnYe TiDo!!!!

tak sabar nak habis test esok...huhuu...bila dh habis..baru aku rasa lega cikit...bleh aku tido puas2...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Betul2 Memenatkan...

Fuh..!! minggu ni betol2 memenatkan. Mentang2 la minggu ni minggu last kuliah.. semua dok kalut buat tugasan, assignment, project and so on... Awal2 aritu x nk wat... Ni la pelajar zaman skang.. Suka wat keje last minit.. Hhehee... Aku pon sama gak...

Tp yg pasti... Minggu depan bleh relax... Tp jgn smpai x study lak.. Dah name pon minggu study week, so kna lah belajar... Minggu selepas tu dh nk exam dh... Kali ni, jangan nk study last minit lak.. Kang semput cam minggu ni... Huhuuu.... InsyaAllah.... Rabu ni present, harap2 dapat wat yang terbaik... may Allah bless my friends and I always...

Ape yg penting??? Study!!! Study!!! Study!!! :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pressure...Bila Final Exam Semakin Hampir...

Tension...tension...tension...tulah yg sering kita dengar setiap kali exam. Lebih2 ag final exam..lagi lah tggi pressurenyer...boleh dikatakan semua org x terlepas dr itu...cume cara penerimaannya shja yg berbeza...jika kuat org itu, maka pressure bkan lg pressure bg dia...jika sebaliknya...maka susah la sesorg itu...

Aku juga tidak terlepas drpd semua tu...setiap hari aku tension..boleh di katakan dengan segala benda aku tension...mgkin ini menunjukkan aku ni seorg yg teruk..tapi itu lah hakikatnye..dh pelbagai cara aku gune tuk hilag kn tekanan tu..ade yg berkesan..ade yg x...x kesah yg penting kite berusaha unt hilgkan tension tu...

tension time nk final tu mungkin perkara biasa, rasenyer setiap org atau student dr mane2 university pun akn berasa tension...salah satunyer ialah kerana mungkin time tu ase nervous la, mungkin byk lg x stdy or memg dh tabiat tension time nk final...hmm..??... time tu la iman kite benar2 diuji...kuat atau tdak...

tp jgn tension2....yg penting relax n fikir satu2...jgn serabutkan fikiran..nant satu pe pun, tarik nafas...cube manage mase tu btl2...buat yg utama dulu walaupun ad byk benda yg lain yg penting gak...

dan yg paling penting...selalulah berdoa kepd ALLAH...DIAlah tmpt pergantungan yg paling bgs...kita tawakal...usaha...n tawakal.....berdoa n berusaha.... CHAIYUK!CHAIYUK!CHAIYUK!...

JGN TENSION2....JUZ RELAX....heheehehehehhhehhe

Thursday, April 2, 2009

It Is Too Hard.....

Nobody is perfect, So am I. I admit that I always doing mistake in my life. But I tried to avoid from doing the same mistake and if possible I don't want to do it anymore. However, sometimes we don't realize what we have done. That's the point.

I know there are some people talks about me at my behind. But that's ok. I will not blame them because it's my fault that give them chances to do that. But one thing that I can't accept, it is the way that someone who try to advice me. It doesn't mean I'm not appreciate that, but please la..there is a better way that she/he can do to advice me. But not like that...sometime we will listen to someone's advice if we look she/he is good enough to do that. Right??

Errgghh... I felt so mad when I think about that. Anyway, I will try to accept the advices and I also will try to be good next time. May ALLAH bless me and you all always...amin.